سرزمين رويايى:

احسان عباسى عزيز:
از اينكه به اين صفحه لطف دارى و دنبالش ميكنى خيلى ممنونم
اميدوارم سال بسيار خوبى داشته باشى پر از شادى و آرامش

احسان عباسی:

سلام بر مرد رویایی!

عید نوروز و سال نو بر تو هم مبارک.

بابت نوشته های سالی که گذشت ازت ممنونم. اگه اشکالی نداره، و برای اینکه حق مطلب - به زعم خودم - ادا بشه، یه مقدار هم به زیان انگلیسی مینویسم:

Your posts often come at rather opportune moments in my life, and serve to remind me to take a step back and view life from another perspective. Your unique way of posting material, and also creating avenues for feedback for your blog show that there are many different ways of going about a task. Being a follower of your blog gives me a sense of belonging, and in the vast amount of irrelevant and impersonal content on the web, your corner is one which I come back to again and again to feel inspired.

This has been on my mind for a long time, and I want to say that your reminders every now and then of the fate of our beloved "Mir" also show that those who remember inspirational figures during their times of hardship - rather than those who jump on a bandwagon - are worthy followers of the cause. None of us are perfect, myself included. I confess that I sometimes lose hope and become oblivious to the cause. Nonetheless, I hope we hear good news on that front this year.

به تمام دوستان دیگه ای هم که از گوشه کنار وب به این صفحه سر میزنن، و به نوعی هم سلیقه هستیم، سلام میکنم و عید رو تبریک میگم.

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